For Individuals Anxious About Retirement...
Frustrated With Limited Savings And Uncertain Income

This Is Why Planning Your Retirement Seems So Hard...

And Discover The Golden Secrets To Cultivate
Lasting Wealth For An Abundant Tomorrow

Click The Button Below To Get Access
To Sustainable Retirement Wealth
And All Your Bonuses

From The Desk Of Bibi Apampa

Dear friend,

If you want to enjoy a peaceful and flourishing retirement, Then, this will be the most important message you will ever read.

Are you tired of constantly worrying about your retirement? 

Do you feel like you have not saved enough and do not know where to start?

Do you find yourself waking up every morning with the weight of financial uncertainty weighing down on your shoulders?

Are you approaching retirement age with the anxiety of not having enough savings to support your post-retirement life?

So whether you’re retired now now or planning to… but stuck like a deer-in-headlights, this is for you. 

First of all, have you ever wondered why why securing a stable financial future in retirement seems like an uphill battle?

Let me share with you a few reasons…

1.  A significant number of people lack the necessary financial education to make informed decisions about retirement planning. The complexity of investment options, tax implications, and pension structures can be overwhelming without proper guidance.

2. Many individuals postpone retirement planning, believing they have ample time to prepare. This procrastination often results in insufficient savings and limited options as retirement approaches.

3. While employer-sponsored retirement plans exist, they may not offer sufficient contributions or comprehensive benefits. In some cases, individuals heavily rely on these plans, only to discover their limitations later in life.

4. Unexpected life events, such as health crises, family emergencies, or job loss, can disrupt financial stability and divert resources that might have been earmarked for retirement savings.

5. Finally, the escalating cost of living, coupled with inflation, can erode the purchasing power of savings. Individuals may struggle to keep pace with the increasing expenses, leaving little room for substantial retirement contributions.

So how do you build a sustainable retirement wealth that rakes in a fortune during your golden years?

For one, cease dwelling on this question, as the harsh reality is, only a fraction of individuals achieve financial prosperity in retirement.

The silver lining? Crafting a path to financial stability during retirement isn’t as challenging as it seems. You can build momentum, ensuring a steady stream of income every month without the need for constant effort.

Imagine having the capability to funnel thousands of dollars into your retirement fund effortlessly. I’m here to guide you, unveiling the strategies that will make this financial dream a reality.

Who Am I And How Can I Help You?

My name is Bibi Apampa, and I used to feel the same way. 

However, I discovered the secrets to building retirement wealth, and I want to share them with you.

I was once a banker, a successful chartered accountant, rising rapidly through the ranks in the Treasury department of a commercial bank. 

But when my husband’s company sent him on an expatriation abroad, I had to resign from my job and move to a new location.

I thought finding another job would be easy with my brilliant qualifications, but it turned out otherwise…

This was a frustrating time for me because I was used to having an active work life.

 I spent many months sitting at home but I soon realized that I could not afford to retire. 

My savings were dwindling fast, and I needed to do something about it…

Through my own experiences, I discovered that strategic planning is crucial to retiring peacefully with financial stability and security to enjoy your golden years.

You see, over the past decade, I’ve been lucky enough to build sustainable retirement for myself and other people  as a successful wealth and business coach with years of experience in helping people like you achieve their financial goals.

I’ve witnessed not only the incredible growth in the size of my assets, but also the incredible rise of literally dozens of people I have shared my strategies with.

I’ve seen these folks travel and explore new places with historic tourist attractions

I have seen many of them pursuing their hobbies and Interests or indulging in activities that bring them joy and fulfilment after retirement without having to worry about money.

If you asked me to name the #1 thing that has given me and these people the biggest advantage in not only our careers

But also in our personal lives and in life in general… 

I would tell you it’s a secret you haven’t discovered.

And today, I’d like to share the details of this important secret with you

I am sure you will like to know this powerful secret? So, let us cut to the chase…

What do all these people have in common? – 

Power to make maximum impact by taking control of their life and future with a simple and easy blueprint of up-to-date financial empowerment strategies, current investment information, strategic planning and execution game changing plans for building generational wealth

Are you ready to get MOVING, to start taking matters into your own hands?

I’m here to help you and show you the steps that made me and other people free, so you can too.

What is the first step?


You must develop a clear target you can aim for., because when you don’t know what you’re looking for, you’ll NEVER be able to find it.

It is the first lesson for a Formular1 driver. If you’re about to crash into a wall, don’t look at the wall and try to avoid it. 

Focus on where you DO want to steer the car, and your body will follow.

It is the same with money. If you keep focusing on how you’re sick and tired of barely making ends meet…

if you keep thinking about how much it sucks to feel trapped under debt, inflation, dwindling resources …

You will keep hitting the wall, every single time.

You MUST know what it is that you DO want. And it must be crystal clear.

The second step? 


Something magical happens when you set clear, inspiring goals.

Your mind starts to work at full speed, developing plans to hit your goals.

Opportunities you would not have noticed suddenly catch your eye. 

You get surges of inspiration that start to show you the way.

Because your mind is a VERY powerful tool…but it will only do what you ASK it to do.

What about the third, fourth.. fifth step?

The fact is I can’t cover Everything You Need here (even if we had all day)

So I have designed a 3-day full training where you CAN get Everything you need to know about retirement planning and building generational wealth to ensure you have the financial stability and security you need…


Sustainable Retirement Wealth

sustainable retirement wealth

A Proven Step-By-Step System
For Cultivating Lasting Wealth During Your Retirement

The 3-day workshop that takes you by the hand and shows you EXACTLY how to retire peacefully, healthy and free of financial worries from the comfort of your home.

Before I Reveal How Powerful This Is...
Take A Look At The Images Below...

The images above are enough reasons for anyone who wants to avoid struggling to make ends meet in retirement start planning early for retirement.

If You Are Ready To Take Control Of Your Retirement And Plan For A Secure Financial Future? Then, This Is For You.

“Sustainable Retirement Wealth,” is a comprehensive 3-day workshop designed to equip you with the tools and strategies you need to help you achieve financial security in retirement and secure your financial future. 

Ready to take control of your financial future? …then let us dive into what this workshop is all about.

16th - 18th of October, 2024


7PM - 9PM Onwards



Worth ₦199,999 for FREE



Here’s What You’ll Get Inside
Sustainable Retirement Wealth...

MODULE 1: Introduction to Building Retirement Wealth

The Golden Essential Plan Of Retirement They Don’t Want You To Know

In this Module, you will learn the fundamental principles of building wealth for retirement. We will discuss the importance of starting early, understanding your goals, and developing a plan that works for you. 

I will share my personal story of how I went from feeling lost and anxious about retirement to feeling confident and secure.

MODULE 2: My Curated List Of 15 Recession-Proof Wealth You Can Build

Wealth is more than just money in the bank.

In this Module, you will learn about the 15 different types of wealth, including financial, social, and intellectual wealth.

We will explore how each type of wealth is interconnected and how you can develop them to create a fulfilling life in retirement.

MODULE 3: Building Multiple Income Streams

Wealth is more than just money in the bank.

In this Module, you will learn about the 15 different types of wealth, including financial, social, and intellectual wealth.

We will explore how each type of wealth is interconnected and how you can develop them to create a fulfilling life in retirement.

MODULE 4: Passive Income Strategies

Wealth is more than just money in the bank.

In this Module, you will learn about the 15 different types of wealth, including financial, social, and intellectual wealth.

We will explore how each type of wealth is interconnected and how you can develop them to create a fulfilling life in retirement.

MODULE 5: Retirement Business

Solid 6-7 Figure Retirement Businesses Anyone Can Do

Starting a business in retirement can be a great way to generate income and stay engaged. In this Module, we will discuss different retirement business ideas and how to turn your passions into a profitable business.

I will share my experience with starting different retirement businesses and how you can do it too.

MODULE 6: Financial Planning & Investment Options

My Never Shared Before Financial Planning Template for Retirement

Investing is crucial to building retirement wealth, but it can be overwhelming.

In this Module, we will discuss different investment options, including stocks, bonds, and real estate.

You will learn how to create a diversified portfolio that suits your goals and risk tolerance.

MODULE 7: Estate Planning

Estate planning is essential to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. In this Module, we will discuss different estate planning strategies, including wills, trusts, leaving a legacy and more. You will learn how to create an estate plan that protects your assets and provides for your loved ones.

Plus, every module has a simple but comprehensive certification quiz that cements the knowledge in your brain so you can be confident that you’ve got this down.

And that’s how I structured this training. By giving you exactly what you need, in the order you need it, with nothing held back. 

You’ll have everything you need to truly create your Sustainable Retirement Wealth.

That’s All It Takes!

7 Simple Pillars Guaranteed To
Get You Momentum… Fast!

And while Sustainable Retirement Wealth looks like a lot to learn, I’ve carefully broken it down so you can go at your own pace, and it’s just the perfect number of lessons that you can very quickly get through.
This system has been responsible for helping people just like you launch and build profitable passive income streams while giving others their first taste of real success online that’s both sustainable and repeatable.
But don’t take my word for it, here’s what they have to say…

*Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

*Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

*Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

The fact is, you don’t need to pour thousands of dollars, be a financial expert, or dedicate countless hours each day to kickstart your retirement plan.

This approach is akin to a near-passive income stream—ideal for those seeking a straightforward, low-investment system for building a reliable retirement wealth.

What’s more, the training is meticulously crafted to facilitate a seamless start, catering to individuals at any level of experience in the realm of retirement planning.

What's The Investment To
Join Sustainable Retirement Wealth?

Good question!

Adding up all the value I provide, I could charge ₦299,997 for Sustainable Retirement Wealth. But you’re not going to spend anywhere near that much.

I want to make this a very simple decision for you to get momentum right now.

And I don’t want you to have to decide if this training fits your budget or if you can afford it or not.

That’s why the total value of this course is ₦249,999.

And that’s the “retail” price for most people, but because you’re seeing this right here, right now, I’m going to sweeten the deal for you for a very limited time… and to accelerate your momentum.

Right now you can enroll in Sustainable Retirement Wealth for only ₦249,999 ₦25,000…

That saves you ₦224,999 right now.

You get to keep what you save… or spend it how you like.

But if I were you, I would enroll now for only ₦25,000 and then use that ₦224,999 savings towards securing a stress-free retirement.

And when you sign up for Sustainable Retirement Wealth now, I want to help you to succeed even faster, with less effort… which is why I’m going to make this an offer you can’t refuse!

Here Are My Exclusive Bonuses, Which
You Only Get When You Sign Up For Sustainable Retirement Wealth Today

Bonus 1: Immediate Access To My “Workable and Tested Strategy to Generate Five to Six Figures Extra Income Monthly” (₦40,000 Value)

I will show you how to create additional income streams that can provide you with sustainable cash flows every month. Our strategy has been tested and proven to work, and we will show you step-by-step how to implement it in your life.

Bonus 2: Exclusive Training "5-Year Financial Freedom Plan" (₦30,000 Value)

I will work with you to create a personalized plan that will help you achieve financial freedom in 5 years. We will analyze your current financial situation, set goals, and create a plan that works for you. You will have the support and guidance you need to achieve your dreams. 

This plan is tailored specifically to your financial goals and will help you stay on track towards achieving them.

Bonus 3: Exclusive Training "Amazon Book Publishing Automation & Scaling" (₦60,000 Value)

I will provide you with the resources and support you need to write, publish, and market your own book on Amazon. This bonus will give you the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with the world, and create a valuable asset that can generate income for years to come.

Bonus 4: Exclusive Training "How To Build & Grow Your Personal Brand" (₦55,000 Value)

I will provide you with the resources and support you need to write, publish, and market your own book on Amazon. This bonus will give you the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with the world, and create a valuable asset that can generate income for years to come.

Just click the button below to enroll and get started!

Bonus 5: Private Online Community Access ₦14,999 Value)

Gain exclusive entry to our Private Online Community—an invaluable hub for those committed to mastering the art of Sustainable Retirement Wealth. Connect with like-minded individuals, share insights, and receive personalized support on your journey to financial security during retirement. Join a community dedicated to your success and forge lasting connections with individuals who share your passion for securing a prosperous retirement future.

...And Once Completed,
You'll Be Certified in Building
Sustainable Wealth for Retirement

Upon successful completion of the program, you’ll be awarded the esteemed “Sustainable Retirement Wealth Certification.” This credential empowers you to to create multiple streams of income in retirement so your retirement can be peaceful and rich without money worries.

These Exclusive Bonuses Are Only
Available When You Sign Up For
Sustainable Retirement Wealth Today

Here's A Recap Of Everything
You Get When You Join
Sustainable Retirement Wealth Today...

sustainable retirement wealth

Total Value: ₦249,999



You are Covered by Our


I’m confident that by utilizing the tools available, you will successfully achieve Sustainable Retirement Wealth and experience financial security. 

To eliminate any hesitation, I’m offering an unconditional 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason within the first 30 days, simply email for a prompt refund and we’ll process it right away. Your financial peace is my priority.

Still Have Questions?

Sustainable Retirement Wealth (FAQ’s)

Here are some frequently asked questions

It’s virtual via Zoom in the evenings from 7pm to 9pm so you can join from the comfort of your home.

Yes, there’s a 30- Day money-back guarantee. If you feel that you haven’t gained valuable insights and skills to help you plan for a secure retirement, simply let me know and we’ll issue you a full refund.

This is suitable for anyone who is looking to plan for a secure and fulfilling retirement. Whether you’re just starting to think about retirement or you’re well on your way, I will provide valuable insights and strategies that can help you reach your goals.

Just scroll back up to the order form or click the button below, enter a few details, and you’re in.

Why not do it now while it’s on your mind?

You can also contact me directly on WhatsApp at 09090431690.

Through a series of interactive sessions, you’ll learn the essential strategies and tools you need to create a solid retirement plan. This includes setting goals, assessing your current financial situation, identifying potential risks and challenges, and learning about different retirement savings options. You’ll also get practical tips on budgeting, saving, and investing for the long term.

The workshop is 3 days in length.

Copyright 2024 Bibi Apampa.

All rights reserved.

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

We don’t believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that’s what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don’t know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We’re here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings – all numbers are illustrative only. If you have questions, email

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